"Reflections in times of change" for the week commencing 5 April


2. Prayer for the Week 6-10 April 2020

What are the new ways in which we are being invited to pray and be ONE with each other and our world in this ‘Corona-time’? A little thought…Corona means crown and in this time of Lent we are immediately taken to Jesus and his crown of thorns….

Take a moment to become quiet and still. Bring your attention to your breath, gently breathing in the Spirit of Love, and breathing out Peace. Listen to the words of Jesus: “Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door.....” Mt 6:6 Let your attention now focus on Jesus’s presence in your heart as you ponder the reflections. This week, we remember the goodness of our God, even in times of trial.

Adapted from Julian of Norwich the Showings

– A Contemporary  Translation by  Mirabai Starr, Canterbury Press Norwich,2014, Ch 5, p14.

Our Lord also showed me that it gives him great pleasure when a simple soul comes to him naked, open and intimate. This is an expression of the love-longing awakened in the soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit. I understood this when the following prayer came to me: God, through your goodness, give me yourself. You are enough for me. I cannot honour you by asking for anything less. When I do ask for less, I am never satisfied. Only in you do I have all.


1  Protect me, O GOD. I turn to you for help.

2  You are my greatest good.

3  You have put into my heart a marvellous love

    For the faithful who dwell in the land.

4  Those who run after strange gods

     only multiply their sorrows.

5  You, O GOD, are my chosen portion and my cup.

    It is you yourself who are my prize.

6  The lot marked out for me is my delight.

    Welcome indeed the heritage that is mine.

7   I thank you for all your blessings.

     It is you who give me counsel.

     Even at night you direct my heart.

8   O GOD, I keep you always before me.

     With you at my side I will not waver.

9   So my heart is glad.

     A profound joy wells up within me.

     Even my flesh rests secure,

     as I place my trust in you.

10 You do not abandon me to death.

     You do not let your faithful see the grave.

11  You show me the path to life.

     Your Presence fills me with joy.


And from St Elizabeth of the Trinity, L 136 To Germaine de Gemeaux 14 September,1902. The Complete Works Vol Two Letters from Carmel Elizabeth of the Trinity, p65.

You are deprived of receiving Him as often as you wish, and I understand your sacrifice so well. But remember that His Love does not need a sacrament to come to his little Germaine: communicate with Him the whole day since He is living in your soul. Listen to what our holy Father St John of the Cross says to us; “Oh,Soul, most beautiful of creatures who desires so ardently to know the dwelling place of your Beloved in order to seek Him and be united with Him, you are yourself the refuge where he takes shelter, the dwelling place in which He hides Himself within you; and, actually, you cannot be without Him!” (Spiritual Canticle 26-27)


Is God really enough for you? How do you witness to this each day?


*the following meditation from Bill Gates gives us some ideas …

Perhaps we are being reminded of important lessons that we seem to have forgotten and it is up to us now if we will learn them or not.

 *Beautiful message from Bill Gates*

*What is the Corona/ Covid-19 Virus Really Teaching us?*

I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad.

As I meditate upon this, I want to share with you what I feel the Corona/ Covid-19 virus is really doing to us:

 1) It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should too. If you don’t believe me, just ask Tom Hanks.

 2) It is reminding us that we are all connected and something that affects one person has an effect on another. It is reminding us that the false borders that we have put up have little value as this virus does not need a passport. It is reminding us, by oppressing us for a short time,of those in this world whose whole life is spent in oppression.

 3) It is reminding us of how precious our health is and how we have moved to neglect it through eating nutrient poor manufactured food and drinking water that is contaminated with chemicals upon chemicals. If we don’t look after our health, we will, of course, get sick.

 4) It is reminding us of the shortness of life and of what is most important for us to do, which is to help each other,especially those who are old or sick. Our purpose is not to buy toilet rolls.

 5) It is reminding us of how materialistic our society has become and how, when in times of difficulty, we remember that it’s the essentials that we need (food, water, medicine) as opposed to the luxuries that we sometimes unnecessarily give value to.

 6) It is reminding us of how important our family and home life is and how much we have neglected this. It is forcing us back into our houses so we can rebuild them into our homes and to strengthen our family units.

 7) It is reminding us that our true work is not our job, that is what we do, not what we were created to do. Our true work is to look after each other, to protect each other and to be of benefit to one another.

 8) It is reminding us to keep our egos in check. It is reminding us that no matter how great we think we are or how great others think we are, a virus can bring our world to a standstill.

 9) It is reminding us that the power of free will is in our hands. We can choose to cooperate and help each other, to share,to give, to help and to support each other or we can choose to be selfish, to hoard, to look after only our self. Indeed, it is difficulties that bring out our true colours.

 10) It is reminding us that we can be patient, or we can panic. We can either understand that this type of situation has happened many times before in history and will pass, or we can panic and see it as the end of the world and, consequently, cause ourselves more harm than good.

 11) It is reminding us that this can either be an end or a new beginning. This can be a time of reflection and understanding, where we learn from our mistakes, or it can be the start of a cycle which will continue until we finally learn the lesson we are meant to.

 12) It is reminding us that this Earth is sick. It is reminding us that we need to look at the rate of deforestation just as urgently as we look at the speed at which toilet rolls are disappearing off shelves. We are sick because our home is sick.

 13) It is reminding us that after every difficulty, there is always ease. Life is cyclical, and this is just a phase in this great cycle. We do not need to panic; this too shall pass.

14) Whereas many see the Corona/Covid-19 virus as a great disaster, I prefer to see it as a *great corrector*





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