30 Days With a Mystic Retreat

In the 30 days with a Mystic retreat you can choose a mystic that you find engages you. You enter the text through praying with a lectio divina way of reading the words on the page, meditating, pondering and taking the insights deeper into the heart, engaging the heart and resting in contemplation. As this deepening of wisdom unfolds you engage with the meaning and relate it to your prayer and personal experience.

During the retreat you meet every day for up to an hour with your spiritual director to share and enter more deeply the experience of prayer.

Examples of texts that would nourish and support the retreat are: Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich, The Cloud of Unknowing, the poetry of John of the Cross, the Letters of Clare of Assisi, The Spiritual Exercises of Gertrude of Helfta, and the spiritual writings of Teilhard de Chardin.”


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